April 12, 2015

Automated Video Slider with Pan/Tilt Head - Hardware Design

In my approach to hardware design I will rely on the affordable off-the-shelf components.  Some of those components (slider or head) I already own.
Disclaimer 1: I am neither electrical nor mechanical engineer and I learn as I go.  And I love it!  I make mistakes and some of my statements could be wrong.  Feel free to correct me!
Disclaimer 2: This is a work in progress.  I think it should work.  But it might be proven to be otherwise.

Pan/Tilt Head

Instead of building a pant/tilt head from scratch (which is totally an option, given that I do not need tilt that much! well, maybe later), I will use Bescor MP-101.  It is almost affordable (I've got a used one for $80), adequately silent, and can be controlled externally, using Arduino's PWM outputs.  The head can be powered by 4xAA batteries, but external power connector is also available.  I intend to use the latter.
  • Connect head to the controller using 7-pin DIN cable.
  • Power connector?? 5.5mm x 2.1mm?
Here are few sources related to use of this PT-head as a platform for application development:


I already own a cheapo slider from Craigslist, which looks something like this.  EDIT: Found it!  This is Glide Gear DEV 1000.  For now this should do it.  I intend to motorize it.  I suspect a (cheap) stepper motor will be too jerky and/or loud which is not good for video shooting.  Therefore I decided to go with a DC motor. This also means that the position of the carriage will be unknown and its movement speed will be hard(er) to control.

Controller With Display and Keyboard

  • Arduino Mega2560 R3.  I decided to go with Mega as opposed to Uno because price difference is negligible and I do not mind extra size.  Room for growth is always nice!  However if all you want is to control the Bescor head alone, Arduino Uno should suffice.
  • Proto Shield.  I plan to use this space for slider motor driver.  Maybe other parts.
  • I strongly believe in the need for appliances to have GUI. This seem like a no-brainier:  Keypad LCD 1602 shield.  I wish the keys were arranged better and the reset button was less prominent.  Alternatively maybe 20x4 LCD display paired with Nunchuck with WiiChuck adapter would be a better option?  For now I will stick with the 16x2 LCD/keypad shield and will just rip the reset button and the power LED - it is way too distracting for my comfort.
  • Connect to WiFi via ESP8266.  For now let's just leave it at that.


I need 12V to drive slider motor - adjust the voltage to make sure sliding is slow enough.  6V to drive the Bescor PT head - adjust the voltage to make sure the panning is slow enough.  7V to drive Arduino and 3.3V to drive WiFi board.  I think 12V, 5A DC should be more than adequate and 5.5mm x 2.5mm power connector will do the job.  This remains to be proven though.

That's it folks!

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